You’ve seen the news. Yes, it’s as bad as it looks, and worse! Climate disasters are becoming more frequent and more devastating, thanks to fossil fuel companies’ power and greed. We’ll dig into this more in upcoming posts but for now, we want to highlight some immediate needs and ways you can help, including heeding this call to action:
Tell Congress, Fund FEMA.
Our members know something about resilience. They’ve jumped into rapid response for folks impacted by the storms across our beautiful region. Below are a few mutual aid efforts being organized by our member organizations and close community friends. The Highlander Center is also tracking a more comprehensive list of needs, resources and ways to support here.
Please, find a local group and give what you can- time, money, supplies. We need every one of us.
Immediate & Emergency Needs:
If you need support, the Partnership’s Disability & Disaster Hotline (https://disasterstrategies.org/hotline/) provides information, referrals, guidance, technical assistance and resources to people with disabilities, families, allies, and organizations assisting disaster impacted individuals with disabilities and others seeking assistance with immediate and urgent disaster-related needs.
Disability & Disaster Hotline:
Call/Text: 1 (800) 626-4959
The Disaster Hotline is always available for intake calls, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The hotline team is led by experts on the many issues affecting people with disabilities in disasters and strategies for meeting those immediate needs. The team will respond to your call as soon as possible, often immediately, and we intend to respond to all callers within 24 hours.
They can provide accessible and multilingual information to callers, including via videophone for Deaf callers, upon request to hotline@disasterstrategies.org.
- Facebook group for Missing People in East TN & Western NC due to flooding.
- Poder Emma Community Ownership – Asheville, NC
- Market & Distribution: James Vester Miller Park 477 North Louisiana Ave – Asheville
- Email: info@poderemma.org
“We shouldn’t glorify our ability to be resilient. It is a skill we are proud to have, but it is one made necessary because of extraction. As we strategize how to work with agencies and create relationships with our communities, we should also remind ourselves that this truth can not be lost.” – member of the Alliance for Appalachia Resilient Communities regional working group
Resources by Region
Southwest Virginia
- The Mountain Movement Hub (and ecosystem of community-based organizations working in coordination for just recovery)
- Amazon Wishlist (buy directly to have shipped to the distribution site in Big Stone Gap, VA)
- To request assistance or coordinate large quantity donations, contact rstallard84@gmail.com or taysha@theallianceforappalachia.org
- Lonesome Pine Mutual Aid– Wise County, VA
- Call (or text) for assistance: 276-395-1644
- Email: lonesomepinemutualaid@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lonesomepinemutualaid/
- *We have power and a shower at our Big Stone location, and community members are welcome to come charge devices, use Wi-Fi, and shower. No documentation of any kind is requested to access aid or resources.
- Cumberland Mountain Mutual Aid – Dickenson, Buchanan, and Wise Counties, Virginia
- The Care Collective of Southwest Virginia – Community collective of care workers
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553444581180
- Venmo: @carecollectiveofswva
- The Care Collective of Southwest Virginia – Community collective of care workers
- The Stay Project – Regional Youth Project
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thestayproject/
- Email for assistance: connect@thestayproject.net
- Message on IG for assistance: https://www.instagram.com/stayproject/
- The Stay Project – Regional Youth Project
- Holler 2 Holler
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61566386083301
- Venmo: @Holler2Holler
- Giles County Mutual Aid- online-based mutual aid network connecting neighbors in Giles County, VA
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61566627481126
- Request Aid
- CashApp: $GCVAma
- Pulaski County Free Store- (650 Giles Ave., Dublin, VA)- volunteer run Free Store geared towards helping people regain self sufficiency
- Tri-Cities TN/VA Mutual Aid – Tennessee and Virginia
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tricitiesmutualaid/
- Email: tricitiesmutualaid@gmail.com
- Helene Response Map
- Resource Database
- New Disabled South
- https://www.facebook.com/NewDisabledSouth
- Request Support
- Donate here or via venmo: @NewDisabledSouth
East Tennessee
- East Kentucky Mutual Aid – Newport, TN
- Disaster relief help at Webb Baptist Church (335 Wilton Springs Rd, Newport, TN 37821)
- From October 8-12, 2024: Breakfast 7am-9am | Lunch 11am-1pm | Dinner 5pm-7pm
- Water, toiletries, hygiene items, and more are available.
- Instagram: @hillbillieshelpinghillbillies
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2557126217948530/
- First Aid Collective Knox – autonomous first-aid/wound care and mutual aid collective Knoxville, TN
- Tractor Supply Wishlist: tinyurl.com/fackwish
- Venmo: @firstaidcollectknox
- Clean Water Expected for East Tennessee (CWEET)- Cosby, TN
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cweet4water/
- **Immediate need (this week Oct. 14!!) Donate to help fund lab testing of water & mud after flooding.
- Rise Erwin– Erwin, TN
Western North Carolina
- Pansy Collective – Asheville, NC- all trans artist collective
- Venmo: @pansycollective
- Pansy Collective has also curated this incredible resource switchboard: [insert graphic]
- Barnardsville, NC direct aid
- Hood Huggers– Asheville, NC
- RSSA (Reparations Stakeholder Authority of Asheville) – Asheville, NC
- Request for relief form here: https://www.rsaasheville.org/helene-relief
- Marshall Mutual Aid – Marshall, NC
- Support Hub: 1685 Hwy 213, Marshall, NC (next to DMV)
- Contact: ruralorganizingandresilience@gmail.com
- Cornbread and Roses – Sylva, Western North Carolina
- LGBTQ+ service org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cornbread.roses
- Call for assistance: (828) 283-0235
- Email: info@cbrcounseling.org
- Holler Harm Reduction Madison and North Buncombe County, North Carolina
- Supply Delivery, Call for assistance: (828) 290-9066 or use the contact form
- Operating Tuesday – Sunday, 10am-4pm
- Smoky Mountain Harm Reduction – Franklin, NC
- Call for assistance: (828) 475-1920
- Email: stephanie@radicalloveheals.org
- Poder Emma Community Ownership – Asheville, NC
- Market & Distribution: James Vester Miller Park 477 North Louisiana Ave – Asheville
- Email: info@poderemma.org
- Mental Health ProBono Referrals – This list is comprised of providers willing to offer pro bono individual sessions or groups for individuals impacted by Hurricane Helene in WNC. The first section is providers offering telehealth only. The second section is providers offering both in person and Telehealth in descending order of city: Mental Health Pro bono Providers
Washing With Little Water Your body: Use a dampened or slightly wet rag with a little soap to get all the important parts. Then, make the rag wetter and go back over everywhere. Your dishes: The three tub method. Get three tubs filled with same amount of water. Try to scrape as much food off dishes beforehand. 1st tub – Do most of the scrubbing. Scrub off all residue. 2nd tub – Rinse the dishes to make sure all residue comes off. 3rd tub- final rinse Your clothes: Fill a gallon bag with clothes needing cleaning. Add a bit of detergent and some water – do not over fill. Shake bag well – rub and mix – for 5-10min. Dump soapy water our and refill with clean water. Shake bag again and then hang clothes to air dry. |
Dry Toilet Instructions WHAT YOU NEED: 5 or 6 gallon bucket Trash bag Split pool noodle or pipe insulation Wood shavings, wood chips or dry leaves Bin for wood shavings WHERE TO GET IT: Hardware store, Animal Feed Store, Wood chip pile INSTRUCTIONS
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